Authored by; Chelsea Wall, Registered Massage Therapist Taking the time to treat yourself and give your body and mind a break (even momentarily) can help the way you see and appreciate your body, especially while navigating the trials and tribulations of trying to conceive, or experiencing the aches and pains of pregnancy. Massage therapy can help no matter where you are on your journey to parenthood! Here are some of your most common fertility/pregnancy massage questions answered!
1. How can a massage benefit my fertility? Massage can increase blood circulation to the ovaries and uterus, support lymphatic drainage, which aids in eliminating waste and toxins from your body, benefit sleep quality, and most importantly reduces stress by decreasing cortisol levels and increasing serotonin and dopamine which helps support our body’s hormone functions and our ability to ovulate and maintain a healthy pregnancy. 2. Can I still get a massage if I’m doing IVF? Absolutely you can!!! The IVF process can take a heavy emotional and physical toll on you, and what better way to mitigate that tension than a massage that can benefit your mind and your body? On top of reducing your stress and anxiety, massage therapy can help support pelvic blood to help with follicular growth and support your uterine lining! It can also provide relief from some of the nasty side effects the fertility medication such as bloating, headaches, nausea, insomnia, mood swings, and back pain. Massage therapy is safe at any time of your IVF journey although It is highly recommended to avoid any deep abdominal pressure during your stimulation phase due to the enlargement of the ovaries and to avoid pressure on certain areas of the body during your 2-week wait. 3. When’s the best time for a fertility massage? If you’re trying to conceive naturally, the best time for a fertility-focused massage to maximize pelvic blood flow would be anytime after your bleeding phase and before ovulation. If you and your partner have had intercourse during your ovulation massage techniques on the abdomen would be avoided, and focus would be more geared towards stress and tension, and other areas of the body that can aid in supporting uterine health such as the lower back, hips, and legs. If you’re preparing to start your family in the near future, or you’re waiting for that fertility clinic to call you back it’s a good idea to start optimizing your body by getting regular massages 90 days prior to best optimize your body for conception, along with other healthy lifestyle changes, good quality supplements, and regular Acupuncture! 4. Do I have to be trying to conceive to get a massage from you? Absolutely NOT! sometimes it's nice to just remove yourself and take a break from all the fertility stuff and just get a nice relaxing massage to ease stress or to work out any muscle tension you may be having! 5. What can I expect from a massage? When you come to get a massage, your appointment is completely your own. As each individual is different, where you are feeling your pain, your stress, or your tension will be different than someone else who may be in a similar position to you. You are in charge of your appointment. We will discuss beforehand to see how you are feeling and figure out how I can help you feel your best. I will ask for your feedback during your appointment and check-in to ensure you are enjoying your appointment and you are comfortable the entire time you are on the table. 6. Once I’m pregnant, is a massage safe? Once you are pregnant, there are certain positions that we will avoid. We will not have you lie on your stomach after the first trimester and will avoid lying flat on your back as well from that point on. I will ensure your body is supported by pillows and you are comfortable with your positioning. I will never put any direct pressure on your uterus, and you can always ask any questions I hope you will be honest with me through every point of your treatment Massage is safe throughout every stage of your pregnancy and can help you with any aches and pains, stiffness and tension, and stress you may experience as your body and your baby grows and changes to make this the healthiest and happiest pregnancy and labour experience possible. I am currently accepting new patients on Wednesdays & Thursdays. I offer 30. 45, 60, and 90-minute treatments for massage therapy which include pre-natal, post-natal, and infant/pediatric patients. I would love to be a part of your journey and hope that I can help make it as smooth for you as possible. Click here to see my availability and to book an appointment References: Osborne, C., Kolakowski, M., & Lobenstine, D. (2021). Pre- and perinatal massage therapy: A comprehensive guide to prenatal, labor and post-partum practice. Handspring Publishing. “Infertility and Stress” – “Can Fertility Massage Help Get You Pregnant?” -